Circular surgery with sculpture on display. Clean lines and no smell of death. Familiar faces welcoming and warm. A warren of rooms holding things in secret places. Memories of illness held in check, until, until. Blood tests, files, scales and prescriptions. Sharps boxes yellow to be disposed of. Magazines and faces wondering what’s behind them in waiting rooms.
Football at David Beckhams. Smelling of wet grass and fierce ambition, honed on tiny legs, striving, dreaming, playing, scoring. Images of stars framed in boxes and boots with names embroidered on in girly, touching variety. Shirts stained 7, with ambition signed, ‘to the kids at the academy’
School children. Woody frames and low rise building
Sainsburys, food, pharmacy, the pharmacist from France dispensing advice and support with an expert twist. Cold blank fridges full of things buy and buy again.
Cinema weekends and glimpses of other places. Mirrored hallways and badges declaring ‘favourite film: what’s yours?’ what’s mine? Popcorn smell and noisy eaters. Adverts and trailers connecting childhood memories of parents with memories being created for their children. Pearl and Dean : Ba ba ba ba baaaaar…
Alison, 01.10.08
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