Welcome to Almost An Island

Almost an Island is a writing project exploring the Greenwich Peninsula in London through words, sounds and stories.

Writers in residence, Sarah Butler and Aoife Mannix, will be blogging about the project. They will record their own responses to the Peninsula and the people they meet. The blog will be a showcase for new writing Sarah and Aoife create over the course of the project, and for the writing and words of workshop participants.

Sarah and Aoife will be creating a soundscape that will represent the lives and stories of those connected with the Greenwich Peninsula. They are running a series of workshops and activities to support this - check under 'events' for more details.

The soundscape will be presented at a public event in November 2008. Keep an eye on the blog for details

Almost an Island is a collaboration between UrbanWords and Spread the Word, in association with Art on the Greenwich Peninsula. The project is funded by Awards For All.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Return of the Species, by Oona Chantrell

Return of the Species

They started as a trickle
then a stream
a tidal wave turning from the sea
Lumpsucker, Mitten Crab, Common Salt Snail
all the scale and skin creatures inching home again
Roach, Rockling, Herring Sprat
swimming up the Estuary to see the London lights
Sea Reach to Deptford Creek
swelling by the mile
Greenwich Reach is nile-blue under blue sky.
Bottom feeders start to feel the warmth on their backs
green-eye Tench, silver Eel, muddy little Dabs
and deep asleep once more in Bugsby`s Hole
a single queen Salmon quivering her tail.

Greedy gulls come flocking too
for the evening fry
Yellow-legged and Black-backed and cruel
Arctic Skua, sickle wings slicing up sky
like City spivs high
in Canary Wharf Tower
spinning, wheeling, dealing.
Yet all the passing species -
men, birds, fishes
leave no lasting memory in water.
Sweet river, Father Thames
ever old, ever new
wipes away the traces
of them, of me, of you.

Oona Chantrell, October 2008

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